Rewiring Program Business
Bordereaux Transformation AI
iQcodex leads the market in bordereaux transformation AI. We have a unique combination of service, product, and unmatched experience in software that transforms data within bordereaux to effect data-driven business decision-making and cost reduction.
iQprequel.ai is the culmination of our deep learning in data-based software provided to carriers, program admins, MGA/U, and reinsurers. We are fortunate to be working with the biggest insurance firms in the world and delivering speedy results through our own delivery methodology – ED10; our own software that has been honed and enhanced over 18 years; and our workflow automation platform that enables governance, oversight, and rapid implementation. Our capability in straight-through-processing (STP) reduces manual effort, lowers errors, and builds the bottom line.


We do this by....

Focussing on the data journey. How data moves, is transformed, and embellished through the distribution network is the focus of our software strategy enabled by machine learning.
Deploying key resources. We have a combined bench strength that is unrivalled within the program business.
Flexing our operating model to meet demand. Our processes across the group structure enable concentration of effort when and where it’s needed.

Delivering our own industry leading technology. Our software platform is deployed across a broad range of applications and plugs into upstream and downstream databases through APIs or more primitive means.